Live Longer, Live Happier with These 5 Things

If you were to ask any random person you met what one of their goals in life was, there is a good chance they would give the patented "I want to be happy" answer.  While there is nothing wrong with wanting to be Happy, research has shown that the majority of us searching for the elusive "Vitamin H" have misconceptions of where it actually comes from.  Countless studies have shown that the majority of people, regardless of age, sex, income status, or education, already have all of the tools and resources necessary to live happier and healthier.

So what actually makes human beings happy?  What things take the chronic "bad stress" out of our days so we can lengthen our lives in the process?

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Eric ParentComment
Warrior Spotlight - - Chris Carlson

Anyhow, none of those gym experiments would stick and I realized that I was now in my early 40’s and was headed in the opposite direction of where I wanted to be.  My body fought me every day, I had no energy and I was just naïve enough to think that it would fix itself.  

I didn’t know what commitment was, or what was needed to get pointed down the right road.

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Eric ParentComment
WARRIOR SPOTLIGHT - - Crystal Anderson

Often times, I would work out through injuries and any pains I was experiencing. I was counting every calorie I ate, weighing myself every day, and adding up all of the calories burned on my heart rate watch. 

I was never content with the way I looked and I always felt like I needed to do more.


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Eric Parent Comments
Keep Your 2017 Health Resolutions with these Warrior 20 Lunch Recipes

The results are in when it comes to Americans and their New Year’s resolutions for 2017. The top 10 range from the predictable “quit smoking” and “get a new job” to “learning something new” and “finding the love of my life”.

No doubt you can guess what occupies the top of the list – “lose weight/healthier eating”. If you made such lofty goals you are not alone. Nearly half (41%) of us make New Year’s resolutions. The problem is that only 8% of us end up keeping them!

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Eric ParentComment
6 Ways to Get a Head Start on Your New Year’s Fitness Resolution

If you look around, nearly half of the people you see share a common statistic. They are part of the 45% of Americans preparing to make New Year’s Resolutions. Yet while roughly 77.5 million Americans make their resolutions, only 8% are actually successful at achieving them.

However, you can be part of the 8% whose lives are improved because they chose to start on a positive new path. Even if you’ve tried and failed before, 2017 can be the year that you make that fitness and health goal and see it through.

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