Last Month, Tastiest Month With Warrior 20 Appetizers!

Here we go folks. The holidays are upon us and besides the wonderful opportunities to enjoy family and friends, there are fitness pitfalls that may put your healthy priorities on the back burner.  We've all been there!

One of the biggest culprits – holiday parties. With the plethora of carbohydrate and sugar loaded dishes and treats that seem to be commonplace, how can we combat these temptations? By creating your own delicious Warrior 20 appetizers that will have everyone begging for you to be at the top of their guest list!

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Eric ParentComment
How high is Your Fitness I.Q? Take the Warrior Fitness Quiz

Once you get consistent with a fitness routine, your whole attitude and life-path changes. You find yourself spending more time looking at food labels, considering meal preparation and scheduling your training sessions.

Consistent action is the key ingredient to any desired outcome, but It’s also important to be armed with some facts that affect your lifestyle choices. Understanding the factors that influence your overall health profile can be the difference between plateaus (and frustration) and new found levels of strength and vibrancy.

Take our fitness I.Q. test to see if you are checking all the right boxes when it comes to your healthiest self!

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Eric ParentComment
Why You Need to Own It Now

The total cost is much higher the longer you delay ownership

...Stand buck-naked in front of the mirror right as you get up in the morning and OWN every last bit of your body.  Take it all in and know that since you got to "this" place YOU can get to "that" place!  The price of 1 "big ass salad" per day now is WAY less than treatment for cancer or diabetes 10 years later.

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Eric ParentComment
The Ultimate Thanksgiving Survival Guide [INFOGRAPHIC]

Although Thanksgiving is an excellent time of year to gather around the table with our families, it's also become a popular day to forget everything we've worked for or put off what we "plan" on working for - all for the chance to stuff our faces with sugary pies, sauce-laded casseroles, alcohol, and more often than not - a dry mouthful of turkey.

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Eric ParentComment
Have a Delicious November – 6 Warrior 20 Recipes You Have to Try!

When you are coaching people of any age, nutrition is a huge part of any success story. At TFW South Metro we dedicate a huge amount of our coaching to motivate and encourage our students to stay the course when it comes to healthy eating.

Yet coming up with new recipes to help boost health and fitness isn’t always easy, or convenient.

Take heart, this month we’ve got 6 fantastic Warrior 20 recipes that incorporate the best ingredients and deliver incredible taste. 

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Eric ParentComment