6 Things To Do On (GASP) ... A DAY OFF FROM THE GYM

We know that to reach your goals in life you need to get comfortable being a little uncomfortable, as well as having a rock solid support system behind you to cheer you on.  Over time, your chosen place of fitness training becomes almost an oasis from the hectic life you lead, giving you that time you need to reflect and grow physically and mentally.

Yet there are times when a day off from the gym isn't just something you should do, it's something you must do.

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Eric ParentComment
Comfort is Killing You

It's easy to DO NOTHING when...

You would rather complain about not being good enough or caring what "they" think

What are you waiting for??

-A Cancer Diagnoses?

-A Heart Attack?

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Eric Parent
5 Lies Keeping You from a Better Life - and how you can bust through them

...some people can't overcome obstacles that they actually set up for themselves. If you are someone who has good intentions about starting a fitness program but can't seem to get the ball rolling you may be falling prey to 5 lies that are stopping you dead in your tracks. 

Take a look and see if one - or all - apply to you and discover how you can blast through them to achieve the best life possible. 

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