Attention Warrior Athletes!

When I was younger, I had no real structure other than the next TV show on the schedule or the latest and greatest video game.  I would go outside every now and then to toss the ball around or head to the batting cage.  I was naturally pretty good at whatever sports Ichose to participate in - so I didn't work too hard on my "craft."

Baseball was my thing - I loved it.  We would have weekend tournaments, sometimes traveling 100+ miles to play a couple of games and raise some hell

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Eric ParentComment
Pick your Fight

Happy Memorial Day Warriors!

Today's post is short and sweet, but it bears repeating over and over again to truly leave a mark in other people's lives, as well as in your own.

Dating back hundreds of years, brave men and women have given their lives to defending something worth fighting for.  They laid everything

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Eric ParentComment
Debit or Credit?

My favorite part of updating my checkbook is when I make a deposit - no matter how big or small it may be.  It's a sign that I did something to earn value in return.  It's a sign that I'm on the right track.  Most importantly, it shows me that I can do it again.

Why can't our health be treated the same way?  Months ago

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Eric ParentComment
Reaching Your Summit

Yesterday I watched a documentary about people attempting to climb Mount Everest, which looms at 29,029 feet or 5 1/2 miles above sea level .  To put into more perspective, you would have to stack about 20 empire state buildings on top of each other to reach that height.  No problem right?

This documentary interviewed several people on their journey, met with medical doctors and coaches to discuss the obvious risks, and detailed the death defying obstacles and dangers required to get to the top.

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Believe it

Yesterday I watched the movie Wall Street. I was on a flight home from Florida, and I was decompressing after 3 days of intense speakers telling us to get real about ourselves and wake up (I'm awake now).

The movie Wall Street features the young and hungry investment banker Bud Fox (played by Charlie Sheen) and billionaire money shark Gordon Gecko (Michael Douglas). 

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Eric ParentComment